Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Every day should be entered into our memories forever.  However somedays you just wish wouldn't have ever happened, but it is stuck in your mind for the rest of your days.  The greatest of memory that I have, and will always cherish is the time when my daddy saved my life.  It was one sunny summer day, when my family decided to go to the public pool and cool off with the refreshing water.  At that time, I was only 5 years old, so I still had to use floaties for my arms and waist.  While I was airing up the floaties and starting to put them on my arms, my brother , Johnathan, got impatient and pushed me into the 12 foot deep pool.  Since I didn't have my floaties on properly, I started to drown.  And as soon as my daddy saw me going deeper and deeper under the water, he started to panic.  He started to take everything out of his pockets, such as his cell phone, his keys, and is wallet.  After he "thought" his pockets were all emptied out, he dived in and saved me from dying.  After saving my life, he realized that his cigarettes were floating around in the pool.  To this day, I will always remember how my daddy, saved my life!!

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